User Guide

Short introduction



Adding a task: todo

Adds a new task to Duke.
Format: todo task
Example of usage: todo CS2113T tutorial 5
Expected outcome:

Got it . I've added this task:
[T][✘] CS2113T tutorial 5 
Now you have x tasks in the list.

Adding a deadline: deadline

Adds a new task with deadline to Duke.
Format: deadline task /by description of task
Example of usage: deadline CS2113T tutorial 5 /by 2020-05-25 6.00pm
Expected outcome:

Got it . I've added this task:
[D][✘] CS2113T tutorial 5 (by: 5 MAY 2020, MONDAY 6.00pm) 
Now you have x tasks in the list.

Adding an event: event

Adds a new event task to Duke.
Format: event task /at description
Example of usage: event CS2113T oral presentation /at 2020-03-01 1.00pm
Expected outcome:

Got it . I've added this task: <br>
[E][✘] CS2113T oral presentation (at: 3 MARCH 2020, SUNDAY 1.00pm)
Now you have x tasks in the list.

Listing all tasks : list

Shows all the tasks user has typed into.
Example of usage: list
Expected outcome:

Here are the tasks in your list:
1 .[T] Task 1
2 .[D] Task 2

Marking a task as complete: done

Mark a specific task that user has typed in as completed.
Format: done index
Example of usage: done 1
Expected outcome:

Nice! I've marked this task as done:
[T] Task 1

Deleting a task: delete

Deletes a specific task from the list of task.
Format: delete index
Example of usage: delete 1
Expected outcome:

Noted, I've removed this task: 
[D] Task 1

Locating a certain task: find

Find all the tasks which contains the keyword that user has typed in.
Format: find keyword [more keyword]
Example of usage: find CS2113T oral
Expected outcome:

Here are the matching task/s in your list:
[D] Task 1
[T] Task 2

Exiting the program: bye

Ends the Duke application.
Example of usage: bye

Saving the task list